VidTraffic Pro (VTP) YouTube Course

Want To Grow A Large YouTube Channel and Turn it into a Six or Seven Figure Business?

VTP YouTube Course is for people:
  • Who has a YouTube channel — or want to have a YouTube channel — and they’re serious about getting more views and subscribers. I’m talking about possibly 10Xing their results overnight.
  • Who is looking to become the lead authority and a celebrity in their market?
  • Who is looking to create an automated machine of leads and sales into their business for free from warm organic YouTube traffic?
  • Who are looking to build a following of die-hard fans that will love and consume every piece of content they create and buy everything they sell.
  • VTP YouTube Course is a complete foolproof strategy to rapidly building a successful YouTube Channel.
  • VTP YouTube Course goes way beyond building a YouTube audience; it’s about building a massive tribe of die-hard fans that love you, your content, and your business.
  • Inside you’ll discover the exact process I used to scale my YouTube channel to over 1.88 million subscribers,187 million views and a seven-figure business all from free organic traffic. The same process I’ve used to help countless others generate over 100,000 subscribers and 6 to 7 figures in sales annually.
  • I promise that engaging with this training, following the simple step-by-step system, and implementing what I show you, you’ll gain more views and subscribers to your channel. And eventually, you’ll earn more than enough income to run a lucrative business solely from YouTube if you want.

You’ll Get More Views and Subscribers To Your YouTube Channel, Building a Lucrative Business in the Process

As Soon As You Log Into The Course You’ll Discover:
  • Over 30 videos, showing you how to fully optimize every phase of the process so you are creating and uploading videos that get thousands, even millions of views.
  • Four fun and interactive modules where I “hold your hand” each step of the way from your first YouTube video to your first sale.
  • Hundreds of instantly actionable strategies to create better videos faster and make your videos look professional, even on a shoestring budget.
  • “Cheat sheets” for creating and selling that distill years of having to study marketing and copywriting.
  • Access to our brand new Vid Traffic Pros (VTP) Members Circle where you’ll be able to interact with other experts and entrepreneurs on YouTube like you. This serves as a...
  • 24/7 support group, so you’ll never feel “stuck” or like you have to do it all by yourself.
  • For example, in the course, you’ll discover:
    • How you can make your first $2,500... $5,000... even $10,000 in less than 60 days with your channel...
    • How to get your first video up and start getting views right now.
    • How to “set it, forget it” and generate leads and sales into your business on autopilot.
    • How to use YouTube to become the “go-to” authority in your market.
    • Why your YouTube comments are KING for boosting sales, and how to get the best comments possible on your videos.
    • How to find an UNLIMITED amount of great video ideas that people are actually interested in.
    • And a whole lot more...

    • Let's Recap Everything You're Getting


  1. A logo mockup is a template you can use to present your logo designs in a more realistic and creative way. In this tutorial, we asked John to make up brands and design concepts for them.
    3D Mockup


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